it is so true about re-enacting a pattern where I had to do the right things to earn love. In my case, I took the path of doing what I wanted to do, and I fought back fiercely. But of course, I never "won" what I wanted. I don't fight with this guy, though. He has never said a mean thing to me and vice versa. I state what I need and want, he listens calmly, hates it, and withdraws, and then I hate it. That's our pattern of interaction.
What I am struggling with today is, what is it going to take for me to let this go? Really, what will it take?
I had a very bad experience with him this week that left me with a totally activated toxic mix of anger, hurt, and extreme anxiety. And at the same time, it was also clear he still is emotionally tied to me, as well--and he doesn't want to be. Which was also horrible.
We are weirdly kind of in the same place, except my way to solve it is to "fix" it and his is to run away. Classic AP/DA (or maybe FA, I'm not sure), I guess. I think we both want to run away, but we can't because, guess what, our paths cross all the time. And not paths I can change at the moment. Full on no contact is not possible. I am quite sure we each wish the other would just disappear. Poof! if I could teleport one or the other of us far, far away, it would be such a relief.
But I can't, so this means i have to really find a way, some way, to emotionally disengage, not just from him the person but especially from him the person in my head. But I can't seem to stop the activation. How do people do it?
I have a counselor, I journal, etc., but I do not seem to reach a point where some sort of self-protective mechanism says, done, enough--and I stop caring and can just disengage (even though I have a DA side, as well--which I am wishing would come to the fore at present).
I just want to turn my AP behavior OFF. How do AP people manage to let go? When you are not yet in that place where you really believe you are more important than the thing you have with this other person, how do you do it?
tnr9--thank you for your beautiful post--lots of thoughtful truths in there. I clearly have work to do in this area.