“It seems like every explanation for FA/DA is tied back to the parent/child bond”
Where did you get your information from ?
You can have situational desorganised attatchmentstyle. Or only 5 % desorganised attatchmentstyle. When we are in survival mode there is no room for love, reproduction ect. because we are busy trying to survive.
Important critical periods in life:
0-2/3 years old, teenager, when you move from your parents, your first love/partner with whom you have lived with, loosing important relationships later in life (parents/grandparents who died, loss of job, loosing people/friends/partners who were important ect)
The interaction - the "dance"
You have your preferred way to connect/attatchmentstyle. At the same time theses ways to connect will be characterized by other peoples way of relating to you, that is, the other's attatchmentstyles patterns. Imagine two people both with primary secure connection. These two, of course, have the greatest opportunities for building a loving, harmonious and satisfying relationship. There is no stick that is unconsciously "stuck in the wheel".
People with the other 3 attatchment styles patterns will also have easier to get a relationship to work with someone who has a safe attatchmentstyle. But the reality is, that most of the three other (insecure) attatchmnetstyles will typically fall in love with a person also with an insecure attatchmentstyle. A relationship with a lover with a secure attatchmentstyle, would not give the same opportunity to restore childhood's negative mental environment. According to Imago, it is these people (with insecure atttmentsstyles) that are capable of this, for which we will be attracted.
She told you she had ptsd ?
Other possible reasons for trauma/disorganised behavior - also later in life: (fight, flight, freeze (fawn) survival responses)
jebkinnisonforum.com/post/12359/Most people have experienced some kind of trauma in their life.
jebkinnisonforum.com/thread/2694/narsissim-normal-narcissistic-surviver-syndromeMost people would get affected by staying in a relationship with a narc ect.
- continual narcissist abuse can actually damage brain cells in the hippocampus, actually shrinking its size and causing difficulty learning new things
- and by being near a narc can affect your nerveussystem. Your nerveussystem is in constant fight/flight/freeze/fawn mode without any resolution while you are together with the narc and afterwards - that’s why SE/EMDR ect, can be helpful therapies because they work on the instinctive level (reptile brain level)
youtu.be/7pzhdTm9TTg - Dr. Ramani
youtu.be/-vmKnOhdCH0 - Therapist talks
www.instagram.com/reel/Cbj-NqtK7qC/?utm_medium=copy_linkBecause we are heard animals, we are supposed to get affected by other people and their nerveussystem
People can be pushed into different attatchmentstyles through their entire life. Also a secure person can be pushed into one or more of the 3 insecurely attatchmentstyles.
You can read the 3 healing threads in the general discussion forum …. Ambivalent, avoidant, desorganised.